You can help change a child's life!

An hour and a half can change a child's life forever.

Someone once said love is spelled t-i-m-e!
We all know that time is a precious commodity, but then so is the heart and soul of a child. A very large percentage of believers came to believe in Jesus as a child. We would like to invite you to be a part of helping children meet their Savior, Jesus Christ. No experience is necessary - just a desire to let God love the kids through you.

Help out once a month!
We are not asking for a huge commitment. In fact, we can tailor your time with the kids to best fit your availability.

Helping with the kids glorifies God!
One of the things Pastor Rick says regularly is that the Christian life can be summarized by three things: glorifying God, blessing others, and growing faith.  Helping us to teach the kids about Jesus accomplishes all three. Whether you teach in class, help as class helper, or help with setup or cleanup of the Children's Ministry God will be glorified, many will be blessed, and faith will grow - yours and theirs.

MEN - this means you!
In our experience, men in the classroom has a calming effect, especially with some of the more rambunctious ones. Just being there changes the dynamics of the classroom. It takes a real man to reach down help the young ones.

Keeping the kids safe!
We take the safety of our children very seriously. The only prerequisite to helping in the Children's Ministry is submitting to a background check. It is sad that we have to do that but we believe it is necessary to keep the vulnerable ones safe - even at church! There is no cost to you - just fill out the form and we take care of everything else.

You can make a difference - just by being there.
Give it a try. If it doesn't work out for you, then you can stop. We want you to experience the blessing of being used by God to bring His littlest ones into his presence. What a great way to spend an hour and a half!


If you would like more information about helping in the Children's Ministry, fill out this form and we will get right back with you.
