Growing daily in the things that really matter!
STRENGTH TRAINING: Growing daily in things that really matter!
God created men to be doers. But are men busy doing the things that really matter? Ephesians 3 records a prayer by the Apostle Paul in which he refers to the ‘inner man’.
In this series of messages, we will seek to understand what Paul means by the ‘inner man’ and why it is so important for men so that they can be doing things that really matter.
STRENGTH TRAINING Men's Retreat - 2019
These messages were recorded at the 2019 Calvary Chapel French Valley Men's Retreat.
Rick Lancaster - May 17, 2019
The Mighty Man! Ephesians 3:14-16
Scripture References: Ephesians 3:14-16
From Series: "Strength Training Retreat"
2019 Calvary Chapel French Valley Men’s Retreat. Our theme is Strength Training: Growing in the things that really matter! God created men to be doers. But are men busy doing the things that really matter? Ephesians 3 records a prayer by the Apostle Paul in which he refers to the ‘inner man’. In this series of four messages, we will seek to understand what Paul means by the ‘inner man’ and why it is so important for men so that they can be doing things that really matter.
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STRENGTH TRAINING Men's Breakfasts - 2019
These messages were recorded at the monthly Men's Breakfasts at Calvary Chapel French Valley
Rick Lancaster - April 27, 2019
Rotting or Renewing? 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Scripture References: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
From Series: "Strength Training Breakfasts"
We live in times when masculinity is being referred to as ‘toxic’. This can make it very confusing for men. God created you male because that was what He wanted you to be. This series of messages to men is meant to help them discover what God has to say about godly masculinity.
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