The Future Today

Prophecy Meeting

Every 2nd Sunday of the month!

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We are living in exciting times!

You might look around this world and think things are falling apart, but in reality, they are falling into place. God has a plan for this world and He declared that plan to His people through prophecies in the Bible. That is one of the ways God proves that he is God and that He is in control of what is going on in the world and in our lives.

Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure,’
Isaiah 46:9-10 NKJV

When and where!

The Future Today Prophecy Meeting will be held on the second Sunday of each month at the church office. Check the Events calendar to confirm the date of the next meeting. Click on the map below to get directions.

If you can't make it, you can watch the meeting live and be involved through the Live Chat.

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Prophecy is being fulfilled every day!

Not since the time of Christ has there been so many things happening in the world that line up with Bible prophecy. One of the things we are hoping to do with this meeting is connect current events in the world with Bible prophecy.

Understanding the times we live in!

God gave us prophecy so that we could know what to look for as the time of Christ's Return approaches. In addition to connecting current events to biblical prophecy we want to take a little time in each meeting to understand what the Bible teaches about the times of the end. Jesus is coming back, and it could be very soon. Let's be prepared for His soon coming!

You might have questions!

Pastor Rick and Pastor Randy will be leading this meeting together. Neither of us are experts, but we both have studied these things for quite a while. We want to take in each meeting to answer your questions on any topic, but specifically as it relates to prophecy and end-times things. These topics could include, but won't be limited to; Christ's Second Coming, the Rapture of the Church, the Anti-Christ, the Tribulation, the Millennium, and others.

There is a form below where you can send us your questions in advance.  We will do our best answer all your questions. Your questions will also help us to determine where we need to focus the teaching time.

    When and where!

    The Future Today Prophecy Meeting will be held on the second Sunday of each month at the church office. Check the Events calendar to confirm the date of the next meeting. Click on the map below to get directions.

    Recent teachings on prophecy!

    Justin Alfred - August 25, 2018

    Worldviews Conference - Session 2 - Philosophy

    EVERYONE HAS A WORLDVIEW! Everyone has a worldview. It is how we see the world around us, and it is the filter we use for interacting with others. Our worldview is something that develops over our lifetime. It is formed by our upbringing, our environment, our experiences, our education, our religious beliefs, our culture, and everything else that touches our lives. Justin Alfred helps us to understand the different worldviews and how they impact our lives. Session 2 – Philosophy The word "philosophy" literally means, "love of wisdom." However, as we will see, there is a worldly love of our narcissistic selves, out of which comes a philosophy based on the premise that we are indeed "our own gods." Now certain groups may not actually refer to themselves as "gods," but that is indeed what is happening, as man-centered philosophies focus on the idea that through the pursuit of knowledge, just as Aristotle proclaimed, we can reach a point of "self-deification," whereby we will be able to understand all of the mysteries of the world. However, Psalm 139:14 makes it quite clear that the very essence of our being cannot be grasped apart from the starting point that God, in His infinite wisdom, created and formed the most minute microcosms of the entirety of creation.

    Scripture References: Luke 8:40-56

    From Series: "Worldviews Conference"

    EVERYONE HAS A WORLDVIEW! Everyone has a worldview. It is how we see the world around us, and it is the filter we use for interacting with others. Our worldview is something that develops over our lifetime. It is formed by our upbringing, our environment, our experiences, our education, our religious beliefs, our culture, and everything else that touches our lives. YOUR WORLDVIEW IS AFFECTING YOUR WHOLE LIFE! Our worldview is often something we don't think about, but it impacts every facet of our lives. Not only that, but others have worldviews which are dramatically different from our own. It is often in those differences that conflict takes place. Most people believe their worldview is the correct one, and therefore, other worldviews are wrong. Understanding our own worldview and the worldview of others may not solve all the issues of life, but it equips us to work toward a positive outcome. WHY A WORLDVIEWS SEMINAR? This seminar is offered to help you understand some of the major worldviews and how those worldviews impact significant areas of thought and life. You should come away with a better understanding of why you see the world the way you do and why others behave the way they do. In an ever-increasingly confusing and conflicted world, there is growing fear and hopelessness because people don't understand why things are the way they are, either in their life, or in the world around them. This Worldviews Seminar should help you to understand why things are the way they are, and that understanding will point you to the hope and peace available to anyone who wants it.

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