Put God's Word where it can do some good!

If the word of God is buried deep within us, far from the sight of others, what will be seen is the fruit of a godly life.

May 23

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11

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Put God's Word where it can do some good!

This is one of the first verses that I memorized after I discovered it while reading the Bible. Something about it has always spoken to my heart about what God desires of me. This psalm has also been one of my favorites because of its emphasis upon the word of God. Even very early on in my walk, God has helped me to develop a love for His word. It was His Word and the testimony of my wife’s life that drew me to Jesus in the first place.

Our verse for the day tells us that we should hide God’s word in our heart. That is a fascinating way to describe how God wants us to treat the things that are contained in the Bible. The idea of hiding something implies that it is placed someplace where it can’t be seen or touched by someone else. This is a wonderful picture of what God is asking us to do.

God’s word should be locked away deep within your heart. It should not be seen by anyone. That sounds odd doesn’t it? You could see the word of God in the Pharisees and the religious leaders of Israel, but their hearts were far from God. If the word of God is buried deep within us, far from the sight of others, what will be seen is the fruit of a godly life. People need to see the fruit of the word in your life; they don’t need to know how many verses you can quote. They want to see how many of them you are living out in your life; that’s all that matters.

By hiding the word deep in your heart, it is also out of the reach of those who might touch it. God’s word is perfect and holy. Anyone who might touch God’s word within your heart can only soil it with their imperfection. All of us fall short of the glory of God and our hands are dirty with our own sin. We have no right to touch the word as it is in the heart of another believer. This also keeps it far away from the enemy who desires to steal that word from your heart.

There is a result that we should expect from hiding God’s Word within our heart; it will keep us from sinning. God’s Word is a fire that purifies and cleanses us from sin. It gives us the strength and ability to resist sin through the help of the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is powerful and leads us to repentance and forgiveness as we discover the wonder of God’s love for us and grace toward us. That doesn’t mean that we will never sin again; I wish that were so. It means that we will sin less as we fill our hearts with the Word of God.

Fall in love with God’s Word. It is appropriate that our verse tells us to hide God’s Word within our heart because that is the seat of love in our lives. Hide God’s Word where you keep love and that will help you to live a life that glorifies God and pleases Him. Jesus, fill our hearts with a love of Your Word and then teach us to hide it there.

Daily Bible Reading Plan:
Read: 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39; John 13:1-30; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 15:29-30

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