CCFV Men’s Breakfast – REAL MEN!

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship, Men's Ministry

Men’s Potluck Breakfast – REAL MEN!Saturday, April 20th @ 8amREAL MEN: Rediscovering Biblical ManhoodNext Men’s Breakfast: Saturday, April 20th @ 8am. What is a real man? There have always been differing opinions on exactly how to answer that question, but the range of opinions was not that wide. Words like strength, courage, and resilience would be used. Real men were … Read More

Social Sunday @ CCFV – Brunch at Church

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship

Social Sunday Potluck at CCFVSocial Sunday @ CCFV!This month’s theme is ‘Brunch at Church’.Our next Social Sunday is on the calendar! Part of how we grow in our faith is by being in community with other believers. Sunday mornings at church are great, but we usually need and want more than that. Come be a part of the family and … Read More

Hymn Sing

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship, Worship Ministry

Hymn Sing!Sunday, April 21st right after churchHymn SingSunday, April 21st right after church. Many people grew up singing and being blessed by hymns in church. Come join us as David Rushton leads us is a time of praise and worship with hymns. Go to the Upcoming Events Calendar to find this and other events.The Hymn Sing will be at CCFV. Click … Read More

March of Remembrance

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship, Worship Ministry

March of RemembranceSunday, May 5th @ 1:30pmMarch of RemembranceSunday, May 5th @ 1:30pm at Murrieta Mesa Performing Arts Center. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana Survivors of the Holocaust first coined the phrase ‘Never Again’ to tell the world that such a thing should never be allowed to happen again. The March … Read More


RickAnnouncements, Prayer

LET US PRAY FOR YOU!We want to pray for you! Prayer in its simplest understanding is talking to God. A vibrant relationship with God includes constant and regular communication with our Heavenly Father. As we grow in our faith this should become as natural as talking with a friend or loved one. We often think of prayer as bringing our … Read More

Good Friday and Easter Services

RickAnnouncements, Special Services

Good Friday and Easter ServicesWe are living in uncertain times!People are searching for hope, peace, and a sense of certainty.Whether we are talking about the economy, politics, foreign affairs, or immigration, there is great uncertainty about the future. Inflation has made it increasingly difficult to meet the basic needs of our family and it seems to be getting worse. Where … Read More

Social Sunday @ CCFV – Warm and Cozy Casserole

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship

Social Sunday Potluck at CCFVSocial Sunday @ CCFV!This month’s theme is ‘Warm and Cozy Casserole’.Our next Social Sunday is on the calendar! Part of how we grow in our faith is by being in community with other believers. Sunday mornings at church are great, but we usually need and want more than that. Come be a part of the family … Read More

Celebration of Life – Pat Walmisley


Celebration of Life – Pat WalmisleyCome remember and celebrate the life of Pat Walmisley.On Friday, February 23@ 2 PM we will be having a Celebration of Life service at the church for Pat Walmisley. A reception, with food, will immediately follow the service.Come in person or watch online If you knew Pat and would like to attend we will be … Read More

One-Year Bibles Available


One-Year Bible’s AvailableRead the Bible every day!One of the greatest things we can do to grow our faith is to read the Bible consistently. The Bible, God’s Word is ‘living and powerful’ (Hebrews 4:12) and can guide us every day (Psalm 119:105). To benefit from the blessings of God’s Word, we need to make a habit of reading it regularly. … Read More

The Future Today Prophecy Meeting

RickAnnouncements, Bible Study, Prophecy

The Future TodayProphecy MeetingEvery 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:30 am!The next meeting is scheduled for September 17!Watch Meeting Live!We are living in exciting times! You might look around this world and think things are falling apart, but in reality, they are falling into place. God has a plan for this world and He declared that plan to His … Read More

CCFV Men’s Breakfast – Rise Up!

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship, Men's Ministry

Men’s Potluck Breakfast – Rise Up!Saturday, September 16th @ 8amRise Up! Monthly Men’s Potluck BreakfastSaturday, September 16th @ 8am. RISE UP is a series of messages for men. Life has a way of knocking down God’s men. There is nothing anyone can do to prevent it from happening. But down is not where men are supposed to stay. This series … Read More

Social Sunday @ CCFV – Theme is ‘Salads’

RickAnnouncements, Fellowship

Social Sunday Potluck at CCFVSocial Sunday @ CCFV!This month’s theme is ‘Salads’.Our next Social Sunday is being planned! Part of how we grow in our faith is by being in community with other believers. Sunday mornings at church are great, but we usually need and want more than that. Come be a part of the family and community of Calvary … Read More