Easter Service

Where can you go find what you really want in life!

Sunday, April 1st @ 9:30 am.

Many things in life promise to make our lives better, and sometimes they do, for a while. But they always end up being less than what we had hoped they would be. Is there something or someone in this life who will not disappoint us? The answer is yes, absolutely.

We celebrate Easter to remember the resurrection of Jesus. In one of the accounts of the resurrection, an angel tells Jesus’ followers to remember His words, and then they remember. In John 6:67-68 Jesus asks the disciples if they want to leave Him. Peter responds, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” In John 10:10, Jesus said He came that they we might have life and life more abundantly, or to the full.

The resurrection proves that everything that Jesus said was true. He died but didn’t stay dead. By rising from the dead, all of His words are filled with resurrection power. Christ’s words bring life where is little or no life. It can raise a dead marriage back to new life. They can heal a broken heart. They can deliver a soul from bondage to sin. Jesus is the Word (John 1) and His words bring life to whatever they touch. Come, visit with us on Sunday and see if His words can touch your life in a new and special way.


What about my kids?​

We love kids! The church is a family of families. We believe children as important to the church as the grown-ups. Children are welcome to sit with their parents during the service, or they can go to one of the age-appropriate groups and be taken care of by one our amazing Children's Ministry Team members. Click the button to find out more about the Children's Ministry.

What to expect!

Expect to be warmly greeted and encouraged to feel welcome. The whole service will be about 90 minutes in length. We open with a word of prayer, and then we will sing 4 to 5 songs. The lyrics will be on the screen if you want to sing with us. And then one of our pastors will give a message out of the Bible.

How should I dress?

Come as you are. We tend to be pretty casual, though some prefer to dress a little nicer. Often, you will see people in shorts and sandals or jeans. The pastor wears nice slacks and a long-sleeve shirt, though rarely wears a tie. We all know that what really matters is what is on the inside, not what we look like on the outside.