
A Glorious Future!

Zechariah is the longest of the Minor Prophets. This book is unique in that it contains more references to the End Times and the Messiah than virtually any other book in the Old Testament. In this marvelous book is a picture of the glorious future God has planned for the Jews. And because we are in Christ, Christians can learn a lot about the glorious future God has in store for them as well. And if we are open to it, a study of the future will help us to live a life that glorifies God today.

Rick Lancaster - April 3, 2022

The Joy of Knowing Heaven’s Citizenship! Philippians 1:27-30

Pastor Rick continues a series through the letter to the Philippians – The Joy of Knowing Christ! The Bible describes Christian’s as citizens of heaven. In this text Paul challenges his audience to example their life against the cost of their salvation. It is a good thing for all of us to do. From a Roman prison Paul writes of grace, the gospel, and joy. There are many practical things in this short but powerful letter. Click this link if you would like to see Rick’s Sermon Notes and/or his Bible Study notes: https://calvaryfv.com/the-sermons/ Click this link to stay connected with what is going on at CCFV: https://connectcard.church/xC1ccXmX2Jq5ywySljAe Get into a Life Group: https://calvaryfv.com/next-steps/#lifeGroups Let us pray for you: https://calvaryfv.com/next-steps/#prayForYou Worship God with your giving: https://calvaryfv.com/give/

Scripture References: Philippians 1:27-39

From Series: "Philippians – The Joy of Knowing Christ!"

Philippians is a letter that Paul wrote to a church he was fond of. There is an unmistakable tone of joy in this letter. That is remarkable because Paul wrote the letter while in a Roman prison where one of the possible outcomes was death. Paul looks not to his circumstances for joy and happiness but to his knowledge of Christ. Faith in Christ was the basis for Paul’s ability to experience joy – even in the darkest of circumstances. It doesn’t mean that he enjoyed the hard things of life or that they made him happy. But his knowledge of his Savior enabled Paul to see those things in a way that allowed him to choose joy as his response. Everyone wants to be happy. But let’s be real – sometimes life throws things at us that are not pleasant. The better we are able to put our trust in God and His Word – the more we will experience joy even in the midst of the dark things of life. And then when we experience the things that makes us happy, they will be even sweeter. The main thing is knowing Christ better and better.

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