Tag: Indonesia

  • Indonesia Mission Trip Postponed

    Indonesia Mission Trip Postponed Due to scheduling conflicts in Indonesia we are postponing the trip scheduled in September of this year to March 2019. Details are still be worked out, and we will keep you apprised as we get them. If you are interested in going on this trip with us, or in supporting the…

  • Indonesia Mission Trip

    Indonesia Mission Trip

    Last chance for Indonesia Mission TripIf you are interested in being a part of the Mission Trip to Indonesia, please contact Pastor Randy or Debbie Denham. You can contact him using the form below.The trip will leave on September 2nd and return on September 14th.More information is forthcoming on this trip. 

  • Mission Trip to Indonesia

    Mission Trip to Indonesia November 5th to 16th – Be praying for traveling mercies and God’s leading, guiding, and protection for the team. If you would like to support this trip financially, click the button below. Make sure to select Missions under ‘Giving Options’. Thank you for partnering with us to reach the people of Indonesia.…