Rick’s Indonesia Teaching Schedule

Rick’s Teaching Schedule

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”
Jesus – Mark 16:15-16

Mission Trip – Indonesia 2019

Rick’s Teaching Schedule

As you can see from the schedule below, I will be pretty busy teaching while I am in Indonesia. Thank you for remembering me in prayer while I am gone.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 – STT – Soe
  • 7-8:15 pm – Session 1 – Revelation 1
  • 8:30-9:30 pm – Session 2 – Revelation 2
Thursday, March 7, 2019 – STT – Soe
  • 8-10 am – Session 3 – Revelation 3-4
  • 10:15 am-12 pm – Session 4 – Revelation 5-6
  • 2-4 pm – Session 5 – Revelation 7-8
  • 4:15-6 pm – Session 6 – Revelation 9-10
  • 7-9 pm – Session 7 – Revelation 11
Friday, March 8, 2019 – STT – Soe
  • 8-10 am – Session 8 – Revelation 12-13
  • 10:15 am-12 pm – Session 9 – Revelation 14
  • 2-4 pm – Session 10 – Revelation 15-16
  • 4:15-6 pm – Session 11 – Revelation 17
  • 7-9 pm – Session 12 – Revelation 18
Saturday, March 9, 2019 – STT – Soe
  • 8-10 am – Session 13 – Revelation 19
  • 10:15 am-12 pm – Session 14 – Revelation 20
  • 2-4 pm – Session 15 – Revelation 21-22
Sunday, March 10, 2019
  • Morning – The El Shaddai Full Gospel Bethel Church on Monginsidi Street
    • Luke 15:1-32 – The Lost are Found!
  • Evening – Shine Fellowship
    • Luke 17:1-6 – Impossible Faith!
Monday, March 11, 2019
  • Seminar at The El Shaddai Full Gospel Bethel Church on Monginsidi Street
    • 6:30-7:30 pm – Session 1 – Introduction to Titus
    • 7:45-8:45 pm Session 2 – Titus 1
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
  • Seminar at The El Shaddai Full Gospel Bethel Church on Monginsidi Street
    • 6:30-7:30 pm – Session 3 – In Titus 2
    • 7:45-8:45 pm Session 4 – Titus 3
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
  • Evening Service – Gereja Kristus Yesus Jemaat Bumi Serpong Damai
    • John 6:22-40 – I Am the Bread of Life!

We are excited to be heading back over to Indonesia to share the love of Jesus Christ and to teach the Word of God. We have a busy trip planned. We know that everyone is not able to make a trip like this, but everyone can be involved with making the trip successful. Here are a few ways you can be involved.

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

Any time we attempt to do something like this we are engaging in a spiritual battle unlike anything most people experience. We are going over there to further the gospel on a large scale, and our enemy is going to resist. Our best, and only defense is prayer. Begin praying now and keep praying until we return safely.

Share updates
We will be sharing things about the trip on social media leading up and during the trip. Make sure to like, comment, and share those posts. If you are not connected to us on social media, click the links down below.

Give financially
It probably doesn’t come as a shock to anyone that it costs money to travel to Indonesia for 13 days. Below are three ways you can be involved financially in reaching the people of Indonesia for Christ.

Sponsor a Bible College student!
Pastor Rick will be teaching at a Bible College in Soe, Kupang, Indonesia. This part of Indonesia is very poor. Most of the students who will be there have very little, and so STL, International and Calvary Chapel French Valley are covering their expenses to attend this week-long class. The total cost is $3,000 for 85 students for room and board. This works out to about $35 per student. Please pray about sponsoring one or more students for the week. Click the button below to give to sponsor a student.

Support Pastor Rick!
Pastor Rick’s trip is going to cost about $2,000. By covering some part (or all, if you are feeling exceptionally generous) of those expenses, we will be able to do more to share the gospel in Indonesia. Click the button below to support Pastor Rick’s trip to Indonesia.

Help the orphans!
STL, International and Calvary Chapel French Valley support an orphanage Soe. Many of the children end up in this orphanage because their mother’s died during childbirth and their family was unable to care for them after they were born. By giving to the Soe orphanage you are giving these helpless ones hope for the future. Click the button below to support the Soe orphanage.

Fill out the form below if you would like to stay informed about this trip.




